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If you’re here, chances are you’re in the business of changing minds.


And minds are a notoriously difficult thing to change. 


Their attention can seem impossible to attract. They don’t appreciate being told what to do. And they always have their own darned ideas on what they like. Always.


But if you put the right idea in front of them. And if you convey that idea in just the right way, you might just make a mind curious enough to forget what it was doing, and come take a closer look.

Welcome to Twofish.

Philips TV

Philips asked for help making their TVs famous.

Cheap Tickets

A Dutch travel website asked us to make them stand out from the crowd.

Philips Sports Headphones

Philips wanted a campaign to launch a new range of sports headphones.


This payments provider asked for help finding a global strapline.  


The Dutch Bank Association needed a memorable way to keep people vigilant against cybercrime.


An iconic Dutch bank came to us for their first global brand position and strapline.

TP Vision Live

TP Vision needed a new identity for their press & retail events.

Philips Sound

Philips asked for help positioning the latest models in their most prestigious sound range.


An innovative tyre manufacturer needed a punchy way to tell their brand story.


Cheap Tickets

Philips TV & Sound


Philips Sports headphones


TP Vision

Philips Sound


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